Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Been a little busy, sorry

So it's been a little bit since my last post. Spent a lot of time at home organising the house and preparing to have new cupboards built by my dad and poppa. Daniel and I also spent the last weekend in the city to celebrate our 10 year anniversary.... (And no, not 10 years of marriage which totally threw people when they calculated that we'd have got married when we were 16 and 17).. But 10 years since we've been together.

 I found my name on one of the lists in the Myer Christmas Windows. My name is never on anything!! I was always one of those kids who never got a drink bottle, or bowl with their name on it, because it just wasn't popular enough.
Harry's name appeared on a list too, so we gathered that the lists must have been for all the nice people as Daniel's wasn't there!!

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